Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Annato infused Olive Oil

  Annato is a seed that comes from a subtropical tree called the Achiote tree. Annato, also called Achiote, is commonly used in Latin cuisine as a coloring agent. It's a natural dye extracted by grinding the seeds into a fine powder or by simmering the seeds in water or oil. My mother showed me how to infuse it in oil, that way I use the annato oil instead of plain olive oil to add extra color and flavor to the dish. This is used as part of the Sazón of Puerto Rican cuisine. Saffron is another alternative to add color.

Ratio: 1/2 C Annato seeds to 1 C oil
* I use olive oil but feel free to use any oil desired, just keep in mind the flavors of the oil. ex. sesame oil will give more of a nutty flavor and better if used in Asian cuisine. For Latin, use veggie oil, olive oil, avocado oil (pricey), or any other mild tasting oil.

Heat up oil on high until you see a few seeds simmering.

Add the rest of the seeds and simmer on medium heat until you get a beautiful red colored oil. Be careful not to burn it. Strain and save the seeds, you can use them for a second batch. Bottle the oil and use to add some color to your meals. To make it easier, get yourself a cooking oil strainer. Saves you from making a mess!

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